Thursday, January 24, 2013

24 for 24

Happy Birthday to ME!

In this 24th year of my life, I have compiled a list of the 24 things I'm going to do while I'm 24. This list was inspired by the Duchess of Plumewood, who posts her birthday to do list on her blog every year. Check her out here:

1. Buy a new car- Chevy Traverse or Ford Explorer?
2. Visit all the historic homes in Virginia I haven't been to yet
3. Dedicate time to call one friend a week
4. Read 24 new books
5. Re-learn to ride a bike
6. Spend more time volunteering
7. Write at least one letter a week- everyone loves snail mail :)
8. Start a new career (Its been an amazing 6 years MBC!)
9. Workout everyday for a solid month
10. Run a half marathon
11. Make at least 2 Pinterest projects a month 
12. Launch my Etsy store- named after my blog
13. Learn a new sport 
14. Check off every item on my Virginia bucket list
15. Spend a girls weekend with my mom 
16. See all Academy Award nominated films before the Academy Awards 2014
17. Watch all the HP movies in order for an entire weekend
18. Be more creative in the kitchen- hope Clay is ready :)
19. Spend my 25th birthday doing 25 random acts of kindness
20. Do as many DIY projects for my wedding as possible- #11 will be handy
21. Take more photos with my favorite people
22. Move to Orlando & Gretchize our house
23. Get married- Come on July 6th
24. Change my last name- Gretchen Louise Parker has a nice ring to it <3

Anybody who wants to help is more than welcome to join in the fun :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I am LOVING 17 & 23! I can't wait to see pictures of all the historic homes! I hope you post them on here!
